Dubai Hills Mall 가장 가까운 :Signature Livings의 쇼핑몰이며 12.6km 떨어져 있습니다.
4.3 밖으로 5
1 검토
현장 시설
마무리 품질
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리뷰를 쓰세요
The nicest environtment in the areas
Neil Parsons, 미국, 5년 전
As I stay in the city of Dubai for a long time, the Jumeirah Village Circle or JVC is known for its beautiful nature. I feels some sense of relaxation and comfortable around the pathways. I love to stay home and watch the television. My room at the Signature Livings is q...uit huge. It has more space than I thought at first. This place also has the good facilities. The community give me the great living experience in Dubai. The Jumeirah Village is also near the health club.
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