Ciputra Group

1 프로젝트 594 단위입니다.

정보 Ciputra Group

Ciputra Group which was founded by Mr. Ciputra and his family in 1981 is one of the leading diversified property developers in Indonesia with over 100 subsidiaries operating in the fields of Real Estate, Healthcare, Education and Arts. Of which, the Group has been developing its large-scale integrated development projects combining housing, commercial and recreational centers, and mixed-use developments including hotel, shopping mall and office complexes.

With its strategic vision, Ciputra Group has successfully developed 110 housing projects ranging from hundreds to 6,000 ha in Indonesia and all over the world, and become the global enterprise nowadays. Within the strong partnership, Ciputra Group has rapidly developed in Cambodia (Grand Phnom Penh Urban Area), India and China (Grand Shenyang Urban Area).

In Vietnam, Ciputra Group has remarked our reputation by two large-scale projects, namely Hanoi Pullman 5 star Hotel and Ciputra Hanoi International City.

Ciputra Group의 모든 프로젝트 비교

완전한 1
오프 플랜입니다.
프로젝트 이름입니다.
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완료 날짜
The Link 345 하노이 594 ₩190,000,000 12월 2019
프로젝트 이름입니다.
총 단위 수입니다.
시작 가격입니다.
완료 날짜
일치하는 결과가 없습니다.
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