Dai Quang Minh Corp

1 프로젝트 368 단위입니다.

정보 Dai Quang Minh Corp

Dai Quang Minh Real Estate Investment Corporation was established on 22/03/2011. Charter capital was 4,200 billion VND. 

Dai Quang Minh's activities focus on five main areas: housing investment and development, investment in commerce and services, investment and development of industrial parks, investment and development of transportation infrastructure and social facilities, tourism and accommodation services.

Investing in the development of high-quality technical - transport infrastructure, urban areas, and real estate; creating architectural and landscape highlights according to the trend of green, smart and sustainable urban areas.
Making practical contributions to the local economy and the country.
Dai Quang Minh carries out a mission based on five major foundations that are defined and applied throughout the course of operation and development.

Dai Quang Minh Corp의 모든 프로젝트 비교

완전한 1
오프 플랜입니다.
프로젝트 이름입니다.
총 단위 수입니다.
시작 가격입니다.
완료 날짜
Sarimi 호치민시 368 ₩438,000,000 5월 2016
프로젝트 이름입니다.
총 단위 수입니다.
시작 가격입니다.
완료 날짜
일치하는 결과가 없습니다.
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