UniEstates Properties

1 프로젝트

정보 UniEstates Properties

Uniestate Properties wholly owned by Union International Holdings Group (UIHG), UniEstate is a master real estate developer with experience in the international property market and unparalleled commitment to excellence in all areas, including project management, construction, design, finishing and customer service. We maintained our competitive edge by identifying and securing prime locations at the right price and time, thus increasing our potential for capital growth while advancing our objectives of providing real value to our customers. Through innovation and best practice, we’ve built up the UniEstate brand in the UAE as a real estate developer that lives up to its promise. Building upon this success, we’re expanding our platform internationally to include Bulgaria and Kyryzstan: Yasmin Village, Union Tower, Union Heights, Orchid Tower and Yasmin Residency Bulgaria are some of our successful recent projects. At UniEstate, we reach ever higher while always remaining true to our beliefs, so that each success is success for our entire organization and every one of our valued customers.

UniEstates Properties의 모든 프로젝트 비교

완전한 1
오프 플랜입니다.
프로젝트 이름입니다.
총 단위 수입니다.
시작 가격입니다.
완료 날짜
UniEstate Sports Tower 두바이 N/A ₩126,000,000 입주 준비가 되었습니다.
프로젝트 이름입니다.
총 단위 수입니다.
시작 가격입니다.
완료 날짜
일치하는 결과가 없습니다.
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