Bawabat Al Sharq Mall 가장 가까운 :Alreeman의 쇼핑몰이며 11.9km 떨어져 있습니다.
4.7 밖으로 5
1 검토
현장 시설
마무리 품질
가격 대비 가치
리뷰를 쓰세요
Everthing is in front for your doorstep
Lei Yiu, 홍콩, 4년 전
It is a one stop community. I have got everything I need in front of my doorstep. For my kids, school is a walking distance away, so no worry at all. I can drive to work easily as the main highway is behind the community. My family can live a healthy lifestyle by running and cycling. If I want worldwide cuisine is also just a walking distance away. My kids want fast food like McDonalds is also a walking distance away. Golf in the sand is something new and very unique. I mean everything is just so convenience, yet modern and looks refreshing. I stay in 2 bedrooms apartment, and its just nice, new, modern. Everything is easy here.