The Dubai Mall 가장 가까운 :Wilton Terraces 1의 쇼핑몰이며 10km 떨어져 있습니다.
4.2 밖으로 5
1 검토
현장 시설
마무리 품질
가격 대비 가치
리뷰를 쓰세요
The perfect living destination
Alan Mclane, 미국, 4년 전
I was searching for the brand-new apartment that close to Downtown Dubai. I am going to move to Dubai in 2021 for my career there. I looked into Wilton Terraces on the internet and it seems to be fantastic. My supervisor recommends me to see the residences by Ellington G...roup. I am so excited to look at the apartments with my own eyes. I will go straight to the sales office after my arrival in Dubai. Having high hopes on this property.
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