공통 영역 유지 관리 비용은 이며 PropertyTypeName(하위)입니다. 이 비용은 프로젝트의 공통 영역을 유지하기 위해 소유자가 지불해야 합니다. 신규 택지개발의 경우 부동산 소유권 이전 시 최대 1~3년간 공동주택 관리비를 선납하는 것이 일반적입니다.
4.4 밖으로 5
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Fantastic Amenity
Khloe Jackson, 호주, 3년 전
The Palace Residences is located in an area of business and financial amenity and able to access the facility easily. As I had research about the project, the out-standing point is facility, for me inside the project has a perfect facility in every way. For the first thi...ng is management system is look fluently, then the project’s leisure is allrounder, there’s Spa, Jacuzzi, Steam Room and Kids zone. Especially, there’s roof deck with garden for relaxing space. Furthermore, the project’s location is interesting, And I’m sure If I live here, I will have a convenient life.
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Great apartment with international abience
Gary Robinson, 영국, 3년 전
Green campuses, hundreds of blossoming flowers, a beautiful water surface, and flooding light spread across the pathway surround the building. With only one step into The Palace Residence's living area, residents will experience a calm living experience. This neighborhoo...d has a number of expat-friendly restaurants, shopping malls, bars, clubs, and other entertainment venues. This is unlike any modern or luxury apartments. While this fits the definition of both words, it takes a step further with the colors in the interior with beige and gold. The room comes at a sizable room with a great location.
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