Safeer Market 가장 가까운 :Uptown Al Zahia의 쇼핑몰이며 6.4km 떨어져 있습니다.
4 밖으로 5
1 검토
현장 시설
마무리 품질
가격 대비 가치
리뷰를 쓰세요
The calm ambience around the university area
Rajab Abdul-Hasib Hajah, 이집트, 4년 전
The first important thing that I like about Uptown Al Zahia is that the location is near the university. Living around campus is one of the best communities in my own thinking.The other people around here seem to be more friendly than the urban district, since most of them come to study. There are many interesting facilities such as mall for some shoppings. It might be fun to take my dog for a walk in the community pathways. This is the peaceful community, far away from the city. I would rate it 4 out of 5.