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Land and House Park Chiang Mai은 Nong Chom, 치앙마이에 있는 집과 별장입니다. 프로젝트입니다 단위가 있습니다. 또한 Wan Veyla Na Chaopraya, Chaiyapruek Bangna Km.15 그리고 Ladawan Lakoon Rangsit. 뒤에 있는 Land and Houses가 개발했습니다.
귀하의 재산 가치가 얼마인지 알아보고 무료로 등록을 시작하십시오.
The principal business of the Company is residential housing development, concentrating particulary on single detached houses. To date almost all the developments have been in the Greater Bangkok and its vicinities and in other major cities in Thailand; Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Khon Kaen, Nakhonratchasima, Udonthani, HuaHin, Phuket, Mahasarakham and Ayuthaya.
The Company registered share capital as at Dec 31, 2018, is totally 12,031,105,828 Baht. Issued and paid-up share capital is totally to 11,949,713,176 Baht.
Land and Houses Public Company Limited, founded in 1973, operating property development business, was established to be a company limited on August 30, 1983. The company operates property development business selling the detached house, townhome, and condominium in Bangkok, perimeters and major provinces such as Chiangmai, Chiangrai, Khonkaen, Nakhonratchasima, Udonthani, Hua Hin, Phuket, Mahasarakham and Ayuthaya.
Land and Houses’ vision is being a leading property developer in Thailand focusing on building a better living for house buyers and all stakeholders under good governance. The company attaches importance to the whole processes starting from the beginning until the delivery of the project and the quality house to the consumer. The company concentrates on research, development, innovation, technology, construction, design, through to material selection and service for building residences which can respond well and appropriately to the changeable needs of the consumer in order that the consumer will have a good quality of life and a better living. In addition, Land and Houses values society, partners, shareholders, employees, and all stakeholders to follow the company’s vision.
The building (the bricks and mortar) can be owned by a non-Thai national outright in their name in what is called the house registry, which secures ownership indefinitely of the structure.
In Thailand, non-Thai nationals cannot own land outright in their name. Land can be controlled through either a Thai Company or a long-term registered lease. The longest registered lease term by Thai law is 30 years, and most developers will offer 3 terms for a total of 90 years.
A 30-year lease period is legally protected under Thai law and ownership cannot be disrupted. It is common for developers to offer an additional two terms of 30 contractually obligating a total of 90 years.
Prior to purchasing a leasehold property, it is important to secure a copy of the lease agreement or get further clarity on these three points:
After you have found the right property at Land and House Park Chiang Mai you have to follow these steps:
Land and House Park Chiang Mai 는 지피(Jiffy), PTT점, 치앙마이 - 매조 2에서 2280에 있으며 자동차로 4 민스입니다 이내에 도달할 수 있습니다.
Land and House Park Chiang Mai 지역에는 다른 많은 상점이 있으며 가장 가까운 3곳은 다음과 같습니다.
- 세븐일레븐 PTTOR 산사이점(04479)은 0 거리(약 7 민스입니다 운전)
- 싸고, 좋고, 표준은 0 거리(대략 5 민스입니다 운전)
- 세븐일레븐 매조5호점 (15908)은 0 거리(약 5 민스입니다 운전)
Land and House Park Chiang Mai이 위치한 주변 지역에는 다양한 레스토랑이 있습니다. 아래에서 가장 가까운 것을 참조하십시오.
-작은 카페은(는) 260m 떨어져 있습니다(약 4 민스입니다 도보 거리.
-애피롬 키친은(는) 2.1 km입니다. 거리(대략 3 민스입니다. 차로)
-펫 나콘 포차나은(는) 2.0 km입니다. 거리(대략 3 민스입니다. 차로)
내셔널 대학교은(는) 2.8 km입니다. 떨어져 있습니다(4 민스입니다에서 운전할 수 있습니다.) 프로젝트에서 .
치앙마이 국제공항은 Land and House Park Chiang Mai에서 16.7 km입니다.에 있으며 28 민스입니다 정도 소요됩니다. 자동차 또는 택시(교통 상황에 따라 다름)로 이동합니다.
Land and House Park Chiang Mai에서 가장 가까운 학교는 다음과 같습니다.
- Payap 기술 및 경영학 학교은(는) 0 거리(대략 4 민스입니다 운전)
- 반타콰이안 학교은(는) 0 거리(대략 5 민스입니다 운전)
- 통클라 학교 치앙마이은(는) 0 거리(대략 3 민스입니다 운전)
Land and House Park Chiang Mai 지역에는 다른 많은 상점이 있으며 가장 가까운 3곳은 다음과 같습니다.
- Kaew Saen Duang 아이스 팩토리은(는) 0 거리(약 5 민스입니다 운전)
- U See Town U See Town은(는) 0 거리(약 8 민스입니다 운전)
- BPCOM은(는) 0 거리(약 7 민스입니다 운전)